Full Body MRI

Peak performance, cutting-edge precision medicine, humanized by face-to-face consultation with our top radiologist.


Full Body MRI is the cornerstone and the unbeatable advantage of ISMI’s “Live Longer” plan, a comprehensive health program combining lab testing, advanced imaging, genetic and epigenetic testing.

Full-Body MRI

First Come, First SAVED!


ISMI’s Whole-Body MRI (WBMRI) program is designed by Dr. Khashayar (Khashy) Rafat Zand, a McGill-Harvard trained expert in MRI, cancer & quantitative imaging and advanced diagnostics.


WBMRI is the new frontier in preventive health & precision medicine. Through safe & non-invasive modern technology, we assess all internal organs, detecting the earliest signs of diseases such as metabolic diseases, cancer, & disorders affecting the heart & brain.


In addition to being more accurate than many other WBMRI scans (e.g. less disclaimers in your final report), the unbeatable competitive advantage at ISMI is Dr. Khashy’s unwavering commitment to personally oversee & guide your healthcare journey, in person, face-to-face, for life.


  • Individuals: CAD $2800
  • Couples: CAD $2500 per person (>10% off)
  • Corporate Clients:
    • Small Group (up to 5 persons): CAD $2400 per person (~15% off) 
    • Medium Group (6-10 persons): CAD $2300 per person (~18% off)
    • Large Group (11 and more): CAD $2200 per person (~22% off)

Ready to Begin?

Please call 1-800….. no, of course not!!

With ISMI, even the beginning is personalized…

Please directly email me at khashayar.rafatzand@ismimontreal.ca, and I will give you a call myself.


Dr. Khashayar (Khashy) Rafat Zand, MD FRCPC MHA

Associate Professor of Radiology

ISMI Founder & Medical Director