Advanced Cancer Care at ISMI

A new diagnosis of cancer is one of the most devastating events for us and our loved ones.


If you have received news of a new diagnosis of cancer, or are concerned about cancer in yourself or someone you love, you can reach Dr. Khashy from 8 am to 8 pm at: 514-418-3840, or anytime via email at


A woman with cancer and covered head discussing charts with her doctor.


Advanced Cancer Services:

  • Non-Invasive Lab Tests
    • Liquid Biopsies for Screening, Diagnosis, Therapy Guidance, Monitoring

    • Genetic Testing

  • Advanced Imaging
    • Whole body MRI for metastatic disease & multiple myeloma

    • MRI with special contrast agents for colon and pancreatic cancer
  • Cryoablation
    • Minimally-invasive cancer treatment

    • Cancer pain management
  • Radiology Second Opinion 
    • By subspecialty-trained experts