First Come, First SAVED!

ISMI’s “Live Longer” plan is a patient-centered, evidence-based program that uses state-of-the art and emerging medical technology, tailored to each individual’s specific personal, social and spiritual needs. It is a plan that stays and evolves with the client throughout its life, and it is designed to preserve the quality and dignity and length of life.

ISMI’s “Live Longer” plan aims at prevention or earliest possible detection of diseases that cause the highest morbidity and mortality in our population: cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke and metabolic disorders involving multiple organs.


You lead the good life. We buy you more time.

The best things in life are not free. The best things in life are products of talent and toil of innumerable individuals who have spent their lives transforming us from apes at the mercy of evolution to intelligent life forms seeking immortality. Until Silicon Valley start-ups find the path to reversal of aging and immortality, ISMI’s “Live Longer” plan is the best program available that combines precision medicine with emerging technology to predict, prevent, detect or treat most health threats at their earliest and curable stages.

You can schedule an initial consultation session with me, in person or on -line, at the clinic or at the convenience of your office or home, individually or in small groups (with immediate family or other corporate executives). For clients who choose to continue with ISMI’s “Life plan”, the fee for the initial consultation will be deducted from the enrollment fee.